Class Log 01-10

Today's class brought a lot of chaos and order in one fell swoop. Both of the stories underwent rewrites that resolved almost all of the issues I had with them. 

Analog seems to be in good shape now, and we are starting to discuss more aesthetic concerns like what how the paper character functions. We also have a clearer idea of what locations we are going to be developing, so I can keep an eye out for reference for cafes and shops that might fit the story. 

Writer's Block was where we made the most progress today. The film crew joined us, and we finally got a clearer idea of how we would be interacting with them. This added a ton of complexity to the equation, but the systems of interaction are being worked out. There are still some questions remaining about logistics, but roles have been assigned. I have joined the environment concept art team, and we are waiting for our locations to be assigned to us. Some will likely be real locations, such as the speakeasy or the studio, while others will be completely VFX, like the spaceship. The wharf scene will likely be a composite of real locations and matte painting.

While the production crew works out the locations, I will be continuing to develop ideas for Analog, specifically the characters and locations. I really enjoyed the new script, so fresh inspiration is bubbling. 

More work on the horizon!
