Class Log 02-02 (Friday)

Today we had an optional meeting where we discussed the background character silhouettes in greater focus and picked a style direction for them. We also looked over some background sketches by Gabe, Shannon, Wei and myself that explored the various camera angles for our areas. They were really rough and loose, but digi-scout said they wanted sketches like those to push their camera work. I am going to do more of that, along with some orthogonal turnarounds of the buildings at the top of the hill.

My initial idea was to frame it around the Piazza Grande at Montepulciano, but I think that is too stiff for the tone of our film. I am going to work in some of the whimsical style Shannon has been using for the hilltop and see where that goes. Verticality seems to be an important element to keep, and many of my buildings have been more horizontal, which keeps flattening out the top of the hill too much. This keeps it from feeling lively, which is a key emotion I want to incorporate.

Here are some of the sketches I shared with the group:
